Force Archer

It's all in the force, and in the wrist.
Force Archer

At the peak of perfection

Check out Blizzard's new site.
Blizzard's New Site


My fists will do the talking.

Force Blader

The perfect blend of swordsmanship and affliction.
Force Blader

Automatic Lock or Log Off for Vista

Signed, sealed and delivered by Hakenden

Another rant about Vista's flaw. This may be one of the most annoying feature implemented that not only I myself experience its wrath, but also countless many others (let's look at a particular victim).

In the following links, the victim suffers the same problem as I have, and placed the very same query over multiple sites hoping for an answer, which only reaps no proper solution, as I have tried them all and none works.

See, it's so messed up that a person needs to post in various sources just to get a solution to the problem which does NOT YET have a definite fix to it.

Kudos Vista, you're such a retarded OS.

Compu-Speak (Episode 2)

Signed, sealed and delivered by Hakenden

It has been a week since episode 1 came out, here are more short forms for you to get accustom with :P (some are US, some aren't):

  • 1337 / leet / l33t
    Elite (best of the best; cool)

  • FFS
    For F***'s Sake

  • MIA
    Missing in action

  • NBTD
    Nothing better to do

  • TTYL
    Talk to you later

  • WTB / WTS / WTT
    Want to buy / Want to sell / Want to trade (Widely used in online gaming transactions)

After playing Water Margin Online for awhile, here's a few I've learned from the game (implies to the game solely):

  • BDH
    Black Dragon Helmet

  • GBH
    Golden Boar Helmet

  • GDH
    Golden Dragon Helmet

  • RDH
    Red Dragon Helmet

  • UT

These, however are some miscellaneous words that isn't a short form, neither is it an abbreviation but oftenly used by most IM specialists:

  • Rawr
    An expression of strength, intelligence after being complimented

  • W00t / Woot
    An expression of happiness (in games / chats)

Filefront is going back in the line

Signed, sealed and delivered by Hakenden

So, Filefront has earned themselves a nick for being one of the best file hosting sites ever, but now, it just got crapped up.

There I was trying to download some o2jam mp3s from Filefront to add to my music collection, and guess what happens? It kept showing me errors and won't allow me to download the file(s).

I, of course was using Firefox to access the site. So I guess I'll just try with IE, and it does work, but with minor complications such as pop-up blocking when the download is about to start, slow response time (Maybe this is IE, but meh).

Filefront is gonna be one of my least dependable sites to download for files now seeing it's no longer fully compatible with Firefox. Good riddance to bad trash.

The Flaws of Man (Episode 1) - Power

Signed, sealed and delivered by Hakenden

Ever wonder why sometimes, when you look at how humans can become such vagrant beings? it all comes down to one thing - power.

Everyone will almost always have the crave for power, or even more of it.

Why power? A very simple explanation would be because of having the capability to place judgment or a sense of overwhelming control over someone or something else.

Whatever prejudice we humans might have on others may be due to discontent, or something foreboding that makes us want to defeat it. Without power, how else would you sought to do so? If you're going to say knowledge is a better alternative, I'm way ahead of you - knowledge IS power.

The reason we want more power is because we actually understand how having this power can influence us, and towards anyone else whom might or will be in contact with us. We feel strong when we have some sort of authority or strength, but does it really make us, stronger? Does it actually makes us better? Why yes, it does.

If you are willing to strip away all morale and focus on the true power of power itself, then you have to rid yourself of emotions. Power is neither good nor evil, it is just a neutral state of self acknowledgement.

No matter how we see it, having power is no longer in an infant stage of corruption, but it is a matter of how much corruption that will be taken account when the damage has been done.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

- This is a post dedicated to all you hungry for more power egoist out there

Reasons why Malaysia should NOT be allowed as an online game host

Signed, sealed and delivered by Hakenden

Ahh, Malaysia. What more can I say about your idiocy?

Well for starters, when it comes to technology, Malaysia SUCKS to the infinite max.

Okay, don't mean to sound racist here but it's just the plain truth, bite me. I use to think that TMNUT who was owned by a bunch of pansies whom we all love to hate was retarded with their unsatisfactory, congested, insufficient excuse for a ISP, what makes this worst is a stupid MMOG called Water Margin Online (Shui Hu if pronounced in Mandarin), when they started to go all bishy with their rollbacks and lags. I mean, you're a fucking official MMOG that uses item mall, what the fuck is with the sucky in-game experience?

I am not sure as to where the actual Water Margin Online game concept came from, but it was sure wrong to have given Malaysia the opportunity to be one of the host servers. Oh crap them, I'm sure this game is under some chinese idiot who made this game so unpopular.

The reasons why Water Margin Online (Malaysia) sucks due to:

1. Their forums have difficult registration method, and it is in chinese characters

Although I may be racist, but there's one thing that makes me overlook that matter - games. When it comes to gaming, there's no scrutiny, of course that only applies to me. I mean, come on, I myself is a chinese and I find it hard to navigate in their forum without having someone to translate. The registration, however I have tried to do still failed to access the freakin' forum. What a buncha idiots.

2. The game lack of concepts which pretty much just makes you either pay for the great shit and continue lvling or die like the rest

In short, EVERY players who's at least a class 2 and above job has had at least spent their money to get to where they are. It sickens me that we have to pay so much just to be strong, kinda reminds me of those stupid private RO servers with donation. I seriously hated those kinda concepts.

3. 100000000ms??? Whoa, let's just play WoW

That was just a rough estimation of the packet-sending speed between my computer (Malaysia) to the server (Malaysia). Cool, an interesting discovery - in packet-switching, the closer you are, the longer the routing takes place (sarcasm!). I mean, constant rolllbacks, game freezes, which could particularly result in gaming discrepencies or lost of your hard work. Retarded.

4. So what? I TAI-KOR MAH!

Again, ah-bengs. I seriously am pissed that most kids (chinese) are so typical ah-beng, and yet they have access to the gaming world, the advanced one nonetheless. I mean, they are already retarded as it is, do they really have to show it even more? Their typical behaviour is, if they don't diss you, they'll try to make it so they'll diss you and pisses you off till the extent where you wish you could rip their heads off. Tai-kor? So? You peeps just gotta learn to change man, being an ah beng is a total disgrace to our kind, so if you want to act big, do it in your own little world you fags.

5. Oh wait, so, this is why Malaysia is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off the charts in gaming technology?

Yes, and furthermore, I can see Malaysia being stagnant in more ways than one in the era of advancement of technology thanks to people like MyCNX (distributor of Water Margin Online Malaysia) and TMNUT, just to mention a few.

In short, if you (yes, YOU) are a Malaysian, I'd suggest you to leave, cause I would once I have all I need, then I can pack my bags and leave this imbecilic country.



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