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To all those who plays in CabalSEA and buys Alz, this site - is a fake. A reminder not to buy from them or you will eventually regret it. and Gosumall is a more reliable and trusted source than this fake site, so do NOT attempt to buy stuff from sea5173.
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Evolution. The very definition of change and adaptation.
Why do we change?
Many factors lead us to change, be it naturally, self controlled or succumbed to the need to change.
I may only be 22 now, but changes can happen so much, so often even in the shortest of times. I am no exception.
What was once familiar becomes vague. What was once out of reach is now within grasp. What was thought to be hard becomes an ordinary.
I use to think life was but a fairytale, but it was just the icing on the cake. What lies beneath the icing, is the real deal.
I always led a very care free life, or rather, a life of a himbo (the male version of bimbo). I was very stuck up, self centered and only cared what matters most to me. I have to admit, I still show these symptoms but I would usually later reflect back and see if it was wise of me to have been so (which in most cases, no). The only thing I am grateful from evolving from my past state when coping with issues like this is to repent, or regret but moving on with life through learning from these mistakes.
I learn that reality bites, but we live through it anyway. I learn that nothing matters as long as you don't make it a matter. I learn that hurting friends would hurt yourself too. I learn that life is like a punching dummy - get hit, go down and rise again. I learn that through pain only can you find the clear truth. I learn that only 1 person in your life is your true best friend. I learn with great power, comes an even greater respect for responsibility. I learn that we need to forgive ourselves before another forgives us.
I learn that no matter how difficult things get, we pick ourselves up and just keep moving.
Never give up. Never hold back. Never turn away. Never stop trying. Never be hindered to stride for your goal. Never regret and stay that way. Most importantly, never give up on life.
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This show was one of most movie seekers like myself would consider to be the anticipated movie of 2009 and yes, it was epic!
Although I'm not a fan of G. I. Joe and don't know much about the history, structure, stories and background of the animated series which I guess would be a contributing factor in which makes the movie a whole lot more enjoyable.
The movie had decent graphics combined with a whole lot of action packed scenes which backs up the rather dry story line and plot. It is in a word, predictive on how some scenes and all the pieces fits in as you would have guessed it would be.
Still, this is one of the movies I watch this year that I did not regret, looking forward to its sequel.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
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Yes, being a big Harry Potter fan that I am, I will not miss out on watching this although, it was as expected, a disappointment.
My memory may be a little rusty but I do know that the movie was emphasizing on the wrong part of the story and missing out on so much more details.
For example, they focused too much on romance instead of the title of this series itself, Half Blood Prince. They never explained the origins and how Severus Snape became or adopted the nick 'Half Blood Prince' (I myself need to refresh my memory by reading the book once more).
The book also tells how the relationship between Harry and Cho drifted apart and how he and Ginny started out but the movie cut straight to the chase instead.
Seriously, it was such a let down. If this was to become the second-last movie of the series, I think the finale would be 'epic' enough to be a huge let down.