Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Signed, sealed and delivered by Kevin Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yes, being a big Harry Potter fan that I am, I will not miss out on watching this although, it was as expected, a disappointment.

My memory may be a little rusty but I do know that the movie was emphasizing on the wrong part of the story and missing out on so much more details.

For example, they focused too much on romance instead of the title of this series itself, Half Blood Prince. They never explained the origins and how Severus Snape became or adopted the nick 'Half Blood Prince' (I myself need to refresh my memory by reading the book once more).

The book also tells how the relationship between Harry and Cho drifted apart and how he and Ginny started out but the movie cut straight to the chase instead.

Seriously, it was such a let down. If this was to become the second-last movie of the series, I think the finale would be 'epic' enough to be a huge let down.


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