Writer's Block

Signed, sealed and delivered by Hakenden Thursday, November 15, 2007

Okay, so the agency that liked my writing had gone through the manuscript and they thought of it as a potential next best seller xD, so what is standing between my chance of actually publishing my work? The editor and the critique.

One of their questions they had for me was wether my story had gone through any formal editing, and I said no. Sadly, due to this fact, I need to hire a proffesional literary editor to critique my work before the idea gets published. How much does it cost? The one that gets provided by the agency cost roughly about 70 to 90 bucks (and that ain't Ringgit!).

Well ... sadly, there goes my ambition as a writer. I have failed you Shakespeare! Adios amigos! My idea of actually publishing my beloved story comes crumbling before me.

The next best thing is to find a local editor that is willing to help me out by doing a critique on my work. Not to be picky or anything, they needed a proffesional critique with credentials, as they will be used for references and will be 'harrassed' from time to time to see if the critique is genuinely credented or if they actually did a critique for my work.

Maybe, this will be my Christmas wish this year *crosses fingers*


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