Hi, I can has 'Appreciation'?

Signed, sealed and delivered by Kevin Monday, October 11, 2010

Maybe I'm just being sensitive or maybe I've done too much to go by and let it be taken for granted.

I'm no Superman nor am I Bill Clinton but a simple "Gee Kev, thanks for doing so-and-so for me, I truly appreciate it" would definitely suffice. Not that I'm hoping for something in return but hey, it won't kill for people to show some gratitude from time to time, no?

I'm super frustrated at the fact that sometimes I tend to do stuff and I'm not given enough attention for something I worked to make it the best it can be. I placed my heart and soul to do stuff for people and what did I get? Nothing.

I feel like just letting it go and forget about putting my effort into doing something and just do a half-passed six job just because you are not going to appreciate it anyway.


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